Comments on: Stocking up on Pancake Day essentials Mon, 11 Mar 2013 15:14:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kirsty Green Mon, 11 Mar 2013 15:14:12 +0000 We tried your spinach, feta and asparagus recipe on the 12th February and loved it! I’ve had a bacon and egg pancake before but your suggestion blew us away. We now have a new favorite, although the goat’s cheese and rosemary pancake sounds almost too interesting to ignore come next Shrove Tuesday. Roll on pancake day 2014!

Stocking up on Pancake Day essentials -

It’s not too late to stock on essentials for Pancake Day! CheckoutSpy’s Kitchenware department has everything you need for Shrove Tuesday including frying pans, whisks, mixers, mixing bowls and scales.

Basic Pancake Recipe

Mix flour and salt together in a bowl

Make a well in the middle of the mix and crack in the eggs

In a separate bowl mix together the water and milk

Beat the eggs into the flour and then gradually mix in the milk/water mix until you get a smooth liquid

Stir in the oil

Heat a little oil in a heavy-based frying pan

Tilt the pan to spread the oil evenly

Pour in batter so that it covers the base of the pan thinly

Cook for a couple of minutes under the underneath is golden-brown in colour

Flip the pancake over and cook until golden

Transfer to a plate and keep warm

Repeat until you run out of batter


What’s your favourite pancake filling?

Sweet or savoury – what sort of pancake filling will you go for? Some of the most popular combinations include:


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